Item details - Pure Jaspet
Pure Jaspet
Pure Jaspet is popular amongst corporate miners who are looking for various minerals for manufacturing, rather than mining purely for profit.

Jaspet has three valuable mineral types, making it easy to sell. It has a large portion of mexallon plus some nocxium and zydrine.

Available primarily in 0.4 security status solar systems or lower.
Cargo capacity 0 m3
Mass 99,999,999,999,999,996,863,366,107,917,975,552 kg
Volume 2 m3
Baseprice 175,776 ISK
Primary Skill required Mining
Reprocessing Skill Jaspet Processing
compressionTypeID 28408
compressionQuantityNeeded 100
Stasis Webifier Resistance 0 %
asteroidMetaLevel 2
oreBasicType Jaspet
Prime theme by Vecati